SSC Board Geography Question Paper : March 2024

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Time : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 40


  1. All questions/activities are compulsory.
  2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
  3. For Q. No. 4(A) use supplied outline map of Brazil and tie it to your answer-book.
  4. For Q. No. 6(A) use the graph paper supplied to you and attach it to the main answer-book.
  5. Use of stencil is allowed for drawing map.
  6. Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
  7. Answers should be written in Black or Blue ink only. Answers written with pencil will not be considered.
  8. Pencil and Colour Pencil can be used for diagrams, sketches, graphs and map work.

1. Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences : [4 marks]

(1) In the swampy areas of Pantanal ________ are found.

(i) condor

(ii) pink dolphins

(iii) huge anacondas

(iv) macaws

(2) On the distribution of population ______ factor affects.

(i) physiographic

(ii) sex-ratio

(iii) literacy

(iv) life expectancy

(3) The most common method of transportation in Brazil is ______.

(i) airways

(ii) waterways

(iii) roadways

(iv) railways

(4) We should carry _____ for a field visit to collect information.

(i) chair

(ii) black board

(iii) water bottle

(iv) questionnaire

2. Choose the odd man out : [4 marks]

(1) Coastal states in Brazil

(i) Rio de Janeiro

(ii) Paraiba

(iii) Amapa

(iv) Acre

(2) Region with very high rainfall in India.

(i) Western part of Rajasthan

(ii) Western ghats

(iii) Meghalaya plateau

(iv) Arunachal Pradesh

(3) Tributary of river Amazon.

(i) Paru river

(ii) Purus river

(iii) Parana river

(iv) Juruika river

3. Write short notes (any two) : [4 marks]

(1) Retreating monsoon

(2) Deciduous forests of India

(3) Historical background of Brazil

4. (A) Mark the following in the outline map of Brazil. Write the names and give index (any four) : [4 marks]

(1) Highest peak in Brazil

(2) Sao Francisco river

(3) Marajo island

(4) Pampas

(5) Equator

(6) Capital of Brazil

(B) Observe the given map and answer the questions given below it (any four) : [4 marks]

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Questions :

(1) What is the title and subtitle of the map?

(2) Which part has more density of roadways?

(3) Name two parts to the western coast.

(4) Name the highway that connects Porbandar and Silchar.

(5) Name the island near Kolkata.


5. Give geographical reasons (any two) : [6 marks]

(1) Vegetation is scarce in the high altitudes of Himalayas.

(2) Tropical cyclones occur rarely in Brazil.

(3) Settlements become sparse as we move towards the Amazon river basin.

(4) Fishing plays an important role in the economy of India.


6. (A) With the help of given statistical data, prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following questions : [6 marks]


Trend of Urbanisation in India


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(1) What was the percentage of urbanisation in the year 1961?

(2) In which decade was the growth of urbanisation lowest?

(3) What was the percentage of urbanisation in the year 1991?




(B) Read the graph and answer the following questions : [6 marks]

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Questions :

(1) Name the sectors mentioned in the graph.

(2) Which sector contributes the highest in National income in India?

(3) How much percent of population is engaged in primary sector in Brazil?

(4) Out of given two countries, the share of primary sector to the national income is less.

(5) Which country’s contribution of tertiary sector to the national income is less?

(6) In which sector 19% population of Brazil is engaged?


7. Answer in detail (any two) : [8 marks]

(1) Prepare a questionnaire for a field visit to a factory.

(2) Give information of the coastal region of Brazil.

(3) Which factors affect the distribution of population of India?