SSC Board Geography Question Paper : March 2023

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Time : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 40


  1. All questions/activities are compulsory.
  2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
  3. For Q. No. 4(A) use supplied outline map of India and tie it to your answer-book.
  4. For Q. No. 6(A) use the graph paper supplied to you and attach it to the main answer-book.
  5. Use of stencil is allowed for drawing map.
  6. Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
  7. Answers should be written in Black or Blue ink only.
  8. Pencil and Colour Pencil can be used for diagrams, sketches, graphs and map work.
  9. Answers written in pencils will not be considered.

1. Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences : [4 marks]

1. The Lakshadweep islands of Arabian Sea are _______.

(i) Made from the part separated from the mainland

(ii) Coral islands

(iii) Volcanic islands

(iv) Continental islands


2. Brazil is the _______ populated country in the South American continent.

(i) Less

(ii) Medium

(iii) Very less

(iv) Very high


3. The concentration of settlements is related to _______ major factors.

(i) Proximity of the sea

(ii) Plain region

(iii) Availability of water

(iv) Climate


4. The economies of India and Brazil are of the _______ type.

(i) Undeveloped

(ii) Developed

(iii) Developing

(iv) Highly developed


2. Match the following : [4 marks]

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3. Write short notes (any two) : [4 marks]

1. Items to be carried for a field visit

2. The coasts of Brazil

3. Mining in India


4. (A) Mark the following in the outline map of India. Write the names and give index (any four) : [4 marks]

1. Union territory – Daman

2. Heavy rainfall region to the west coast

3. Cold desert

4. Region to the north having high density of population

5. Kanyakumari

6. Chilka lake


(B) Observe the map of Brazil and answer the following questions (any four) : [4 marks]

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1. Which is the major river in Brazil?

2. Name the important island in Brazil.

3. Towards which direction does Uruguay river flow?

4. Sao Francisco river terminates into which Ocean?

5. Name any one river meeting the North Atlantic Ocean.


5. Give geographical reasons (any two) : [6 marks]

1. In Brazil, majority of population is found in the eastern coastal areas.

2. Eco-tourism is being developed more in Brazil.

3. Vegetation is scarce in the high altitudes of Himalayas.

4. India receives precipitation from the North-East monsoon winds too.


6. (A) With the help of given statistical data, prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following questions : [6 marks]

Life Expectancy – India

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Questions :

1. In the year 1990 what is the average life expectancy?

2. In which two decades, the average life expectancy is found to be similar increase?

3. How much increase can be seen in the life expectancy from 1990 to 2016?




(B) Read the graph and answer the following questions : [6 marks]

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Questions :

1. What type of graph is shown?

2. What are the factors shown in the graph?

3. In which year do you find the percentage of GDP similar?

4. In the year 2010 in India, what is the percentage of GDP in trade?

5. In the year 2000 which country’s percentage of GDP in trade was the highest?

6. In the year 2016 what is the difference in the percentage of GDP in trade of India and Brazil?


7. Answer in detail (any two) : [8 marks]

1. Write a comparative note on urbanisation in Brazil and India.

2. Explain the Historical Background of India.

3. Suggest measures to reduce river pollution during a field visit.