Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Five

Chapter 18 - Weeds in the Garden

Things to do

1. List all the words and phrases in this story that indicate ‘time’.

Ans: When, time and again, soon, early one morning, suddenly, after a while, again, then, after all the hard work throughout his life, never.


2. Add proper prefixes like up- , un- , dis- , in- to the following to form opposites.


Ans: unhappy



Ans: uproot



Ans: ineffective



Ans: unnoticed



Ans: disbelieve



Ans: uncivilized



Ans: discontinue


3. Answer the following questions.

(1) When do the parents feel sorry and become unhappy?

Ans: Parents feel sorry when they cannot indulge their kids or when they have to scold them for something wrong, which they do. Even when scolding has no effect on improving the kids, parents become unhappy.


(2) What methods did Anshuman’s parents use to warn Anshuman about his bad habits ?

Ans: Except for beating Anshuman, his parents used gentle words, strict warnings, and scolding him now and then to warn him about his bad habits.


(3) What did Anshuman’s father compare bad habits to?

Ans: Anshuman’s father compared bad habits to weeds. The longer you allow them to grow, the harder it gets to uproot them. He further said that the wisest thing to do is to get rid of them when it is easy to do so.


4. Use the following phrases in your own sentences –

in vain 

Ans: We searched in vain for the missing child.


get a hold of 

Ans: Ramesh struggled to get a hold of his anger.


to get rid of.

Ans: This shampoo helps to get rid of dandruff.


5. Language Study (See pages 84-88.)

(1) Read the highlighted words. They are known as prepositions.


for a walk 

around the farm 

specialities of plants

in the soil and the 

with great effort


(2) Change the meaning of the sentences by changing the preposition.

The tiger jumped into the river.

Ans: The tiger jumped out of the river.


Put the cubes in the box.

Ans: Put the cubes near the box.


We travelled to Mumbai by train

Ans: We travelled from Mumbai by train


There were many people around the house.

Ans: There were many people inside the house.


The children were asked to come without their parents.

Ans: The children were asked to come with their parents.


(3) Change the meaning by changing the adverb.

Speak gently. 

Ans: Speak politely. 


Come in. 

Ans: Come near me. 


Hit the stone hard with the hammer.

Ans: Hit the stone gently with the hammer.


6. Group Work

(1) Form groups of 5-8 and list the following.

Bad habits


biting nails

getting up late

telling lies

talking while eating

picking the nose


Very harmful habits


stealing things

speaking rudely

using slang words

disrespecting elders

fighting with friends


(2) Discuss the following in groups.

Do people admit that they have bad habits?

Ans: We can all admit to having bad habits. Some of these negative habits prevent us from being productive. Others make us work harder and add stress to our lives. We must break these habits in order to improve our ability to complete tasks and reduce the amount of effort required.


What can we do to get rid of bad habits?

Ans: Students must do this on their own. 


Do’s and Don’ts for young children.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.