Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 3 - Features of the Constitution

1. Prepare a table to show the separation of powers in a Federal Government.

Union List State List Concurrent List
(1) __________
(1) __________
(1) __________
(2) __________
(2) __________
(2) __________
(3) __________
(3) __________
(3) __________


Union List State List Concurrent List
(1) Defence
(1) Law and order
(1) Employment
(2) Foreign relations
(2) Agriculture
(2) Environment
(3) Currency
(3) Health
(3) Education

2. Find one word for.


(1) Machinery for the governance of the entire country –

Ans: Union  List 


(2) Machinery for conducting elections –

Ans: Election Commission


(3) The third list of subjects for making laws –

Ans: Concurrent List 


3. Answer the following questions.

(1) Why does the Government function at two levels in a federation?


i) Ruling a large territory from a single capital city is not only difficult but may also lead to the neglect of some far-flung areas.

ii) People residing there cannot participate in the affairs of the government.

Therefore, governments function at two levels in a federation.


(2) What do you understand by Residuary Powers ?

Ans: The Union Government is entitled to make laws on those subjects that are not included in any of the lists, such as the Union List or State List. These powers are termed as Residuary Powers.


(3) Why has the Constitution created an independent Judiciary for India?


i) The Indian Constitution has created an independent judiciary to resolve disputes.

ii) The disputes that cannot be resolved amicably are referred to the judiciary.


4. Hold a group discussion on the merits and demerits of an independent judicial system.

Students must do this on their own.


5. Find out about the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) and discuss the advantages of conducting elections with the EVM.

Students must do this on their own.