Chapter 4 – Strawberries
The poet says that though the strawberries that grow in gardens are big, juicy, and fine, war men know that those that grow on the vines in the woods are sweeter. There is no need for a bowl or silver spoon, sugar, spice, or cream if one eats the wild strawberry that has been plucked in June from near a trickling stream.
Things to do
1. Learn and recite the poem.
Ans: Students must do this on their own.
2. Read the poem and answer the following.
(1) Which are the two different places where strawberries grow?
Ans: Strawberries grow in gardens and also in the woods near streams.
(2) What are the two different ways of eating strawberries ?
Ans: Strawberries can be eaten using a bowl and silver spoon, after adding sugar, spice or cream to it. Or they can be eaten directly after being plucked from the vine.
(3) Which strawberries are plump and juicy?
Ans: The strawberries grown in gardens are plump and juicy.
(4) Which strawberries are sweeter?
Ans: The strawberries growing in the woods on vines are sweeter.
(5) How would you like to eat your strawberries ?
Ans: I would like to eat my strawberries with lots of cream and sugar.
3. Activities
(1) Find out when and where we get strawberries in Maharashtra.
Ans: The main centers of strawberry cultivation in Maharashtra are around Mahabaleshwar. In recent years, strawberries have been successfully cultivated in the plains of Maharashtra around Pune, Nashik, and Sangli towns. The fruit ripens during May and June and is available on the market at this time.
(2) Make a list of your favourite fruits and vegetables and note down the time of the year when they are available in plenty.
Ans: Students must do this on their own.
(3) Have you ever eaten any fruit/ vegetable picking it straight from the tree or field? Write about that experience in 3-5 lines.
Ans: I have eaten chikoos and guavas after plucking them straight from the tree. My grandfather has a house in Goa, and in the garden there are many fruit trees. It is from these trees that I have eaten guavas and chikoos. When eaten fresh like this, the fruits are very juicy and taste very nice.