The Man, Who Makes No Mistakes, Does Not Usually Make Anything
If one does something, one may or may not commit mistakes, but a person who does not do anything will not at all commit any mistakes. Making mistakes is not a bad thing because a mistake today will lead us to correct things tomorrow. It is natural that human beings make mistakes. Errors and mistakes lead us to success. We should learn from our mistakes. Repeated errors compel us to do that particular work again and again, resulting in ultimate success.
But a person who, for fear of committing a mistake, does not do anything will never succeed. It is always better to travel, hopefully, than to arrive. We shall have to take the initiative; otherwise, laziness and idleness will overcome us, and we shall be suffering from indolence. Our friends will march ahead of us. It is better to make mistakes and lose than never try at all. Failures are the stepping stones to success.