Composition / Paragraph / Essay Writing

Independence Day

independenceday Independence Day

We won our freedom from British rule on August 15, 1947. This was a day of great joy for everyone. Therefore, every year on August 15, we celebrate Independence Day.


Independence Day is celebrated every year in our school too. Although August 15 is a holiday, we go to school. After flag hoisting and the national anthem, there is a grand parade. The boy scouts and girl guides march past the unfurled national flag and salute it.


The principal, a few teachers and guests, and some students give speeches. This is followed by the singing of “Vande Mataram”. Sweets are then distributed, and we all return home. 


The 15th of August is a day when we remember the heroes who fought for our freedom. It is a day when we show our respect for our beloved country.

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